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control knob中文是什么意思

用"control knob"造句"control knob"怎么读"control knob" in a sentence


  • 操纵球头手柄
  • 操纵手柄
  • 调节炳
  • 控制按钮
  • 控制钮
  • 控制手柄
  • 控制旋钮


  • Carefully read and understand the section , " water temperature regulation " , of this manual and adjust the temperature control knob to the desired setting
  • A graphic symbol whose appearance conveys information ; for example , the vertical and horizontal arrows on cursor keys that indicate the directions in which they control cursor movement , the sunburst symbol on the screen illumination control knob of an ibm3279 color display station
    其外形可以传递某种信息的一种图形符号,例如,指示控制光标移动方向的光标键上的垂直和水平箭头, ibm3279彩色显示站屏幕亮度控制钮上的光芒四射的太阳符号等。
用"control knob"造句  
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